The metamorphosis to abstraction is often an inevitable process in art. All at once the ideal-typical face disappears as an object of artistic interest.
It is true that abstraction is not a new invention. What is new, however, is the result – the personal state of the art that Martina Ziegler reveals with her aesthetic work. The artist gives a hint by means of her picture titles. They remain portraits. For the original matter from which she draws her current portraits consists of the digital data of her paintings, which she executed in the traditional manner with a brush in acrylic on canvas. She combines analog painting with modern digitality and describes this concept of «crossover painting» as an «intertwining of intuitive painterly imagination and digital deconstruction.» This is also how the terms «magic double helix» and «metafoto» came into being, among others, which describe the core idea of Martina Ziegler’s work.

Encounters Diva Remastered I / Detail
Especially the neologism «metafoto» hides an exciting idea. On the one hand, it illustrates the process of metamorphosis – that is, the transformation of previous being into a new kind of state – and on the other hand, it illustrates the extremely sophisticated analog and digital intertwined methodology. Despite the strong abstraction involved in this process, the portraits remain. This approach reveals not only the complexity of her technique, but also that of her visionary and creative thinking.

Abstract Portraits / Encounters Diva Remastered I
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / Personality VI (Jungle)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / Encounters Diva Remastered VI (Love in Kuba)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / Personality IV (Forget the Past)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / Personality V (Now)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / AI on stage / Abstract I
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto

Abstract Portraits / AI on stage / Abstract XI
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media

Abstract Portraits / AI on stage / Abstract II
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media

Abstract Portraits / AI on stage / Abstract IV
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Abstract Portraits / AI on stage / Abstract VI (Sunset)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Abstract Portraits / Encounters Diva Remastered III (Hommage Munch)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Personality II (Hold ME)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Black One I (Little Lady)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Bright One II (Splash)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Gray Fluids Unique Ensembles
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Unique Ensembles / min: 60 x 60 cm / max: TBD each / Example: 8 Paintings a 120 x 120 cm (240 x 480 cm) / 2018/23
Abstract Portraits / Gray Fluid I, XIII, II, V (Ensemble / Birth II)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions (Facades in motion)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Gray Fluid Informal I, Informal II
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Personality III (Fix you, too)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Coming Home
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions (Silky Gold)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions / Shipwreck / Series
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
2020 – 23
Abstract Portraits / Golden Fleece II
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Golden Fleece XIII
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Japanese Gold I
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions (Heaven inside)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions (Heaven inside II with pink fish))
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions / Magricollage I (Man with cowl, panther and ape)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions / Magricollage II (Man doing his work with a parrot)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions / Magricollage III (Lucy in the sky with bones)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Magricollage I / II / III
Man with cowl, panther and ape / Lucy in the sky with bones / Man doing his work with a parrot
Abstract Portraits / Virtual Visions / Magricollage IV (My heart skips a beat)
Painting on canvas / Crossover Painting // Metaphoto / Mixed Media
Magricollage V / IV / VI
Beloved cats, fat rats and a bit poison / My heart skips a beat / Framed cats